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Task 1

Video Installation Research Essay

Video Installation

Deconstruction/Reverse engineering

Task 2


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Original Brainstorms

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Final Idea: Error


I chose the "Error" idea because as a video installation, it is easy to both produce and present for the exhibition. It requires minimal equipment while still having the potential to be an impressive video art piece. 


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Video Installation Script

Concept Sketches

Concept Sketch.png

A concept sketch of the layout for the video installation. It will be a shot of a living room, focusing on the door to a balcony, made to look like a desktop where error messages are popping up.

Concept Sketch 2.png
Concept Sketch 3.png

These are two rough sketches of the layout I want for the presentation of my video installation based on the two possible locations. They are both essentially the computer on the table decorated with various different sticky notes that have little secret messages and bits of story.


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Audio Design

Music Choice

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Song:  Aesthetic Relaxation (Vaporwave Ambient)


Genre: Vaporwave


Copyright Status: This Vaporwave track appears to be royalty free, and a safe track to use for this piece.

Sound effects and sound editing

Glitch Sound Effects

The video installation will include computer glitch-like sound effects, given the glitchy computer theme. I have a collection of royalty free sound effects, ready to be used. The proper planned usage of sound effects can give the audio composition of this video installation impact.

Location Scouting


Presentation Location: Banyan Tree


Reasoning: I feel like the Banyan Tree area is a popular area for viewers to go during the exhibitions. It's an open area with a lot of room for a lot of different technical ideas. The tables in the area could potentially make a good place to set the equipment. However, there could be an issue in the form of a lack of access to a proper outlet for the computer.


Alternate Presentation Location: LRC Pod


Reasoning: The reason why I have this as a backup is because the LRC is a much easier location to set up a computer and present the video installation. 

Risk Assessment

Final Installation

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